Learn basic guitar was the beginning of learning, and ga as hard as we hear 'we have the origin of capital, its capital with the intention, confident and guitar.

Below Basic Chord guitar.

with only a guitar and we will be able to play it. but to be able to play a guitar properly it can not be done in just one day, one week minimum required to actually play.

The following are the steps undertaken to be able to play a musical instrument guitar in my experience so far.

1. you must begin with an introduction to the basic keys such as C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C

2. try to try to suppress a guitar string is in accordance with the chord you see drawn.

3. after you can play these chords, this is the hardest thing in learning guitar, which is a key move. In this case, to be able to switch keys with either you try to play secaraberurutan these keys are G, C, Am, D continuously until smooth and then try to reverse it.

4. move smoothly when you have the key and then try
to play an easy song (which only uses basic chord like).

5. if it could play a song then you can play a guitar.

6. The next level is to find the key based on the fundamental tone (Coming soon).

Good Luck .. !

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